What does a Catholic Earthcare School look like?

A Catholic Earthcare school cares for our common home through prayer, dialogue, education and action to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. The school element specifically complements the “Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Developments'” vision for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Learn more and register your school on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

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A Catholic Earthcare school

  • understands the importance of connectivity to nature, local ecology is demonstrated through curriculum options for staff and students.
  • equips its’ staff and students with an age appropriate theological and moral understanding of the issues affecting our common home.
  • is prepared to evaluate how it has and will care for our common home through faith inspired actions.
  • is where students take the lead, supported by teachers wherever possible, to grow the Catholic leadership of the future.
  • ultimately becomes what it professes, aligned to its’ charism through an ecological lens.
  • celebrates, communicates, translates and evangelises others, within and beyond its’ school fence

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Earthcare harmonises with other sustainability programs 

Many schools are doing great work already and are involved in other sustainability programs. We will recognise this work but ask that you include the spirituality components of the Earthcare program, in order to become a school with a unique Catholic identity.

For more information visit: https://www.caritas.org.au/catholic-earthcare/